
Project publications

Guichoux, Y., M. Lennon and N. Thomas, 2016: Sea surface currents calculation using vessel tracking data, submitted to IEEE TGRS

Isern-Fontanet, J., E. Olmedo, A. Turiel, J. Ballabrera-Poy, and E. García-Ladona, 2016: Retrieval of eddy dynamics from SMOS sea surface salinity measurements in the Algerian Basin (Mediterranean Sea), Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 43, pp. 6427–6434. Available from:

Rees AP, Tait K, Widdicombe CE, Quartly GD, McEvoy AJ, Al-Moosawi L. Metabolically active, non-nitrogen fixing,Trichodesmiumin UK coastal waters during winter. Journal of Plankton Research [Internet]. Oxford University Press (OUP); 2016 Jan 17;38(3):673–8. Available from:

Rio M-H, Mulet S, Picot N. Beyond GOCE for the ocean circulation estimate: Synergetic use of altimetry, gravimetry, and in situ data provides new insight into geostrophic and Ekman currents. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. Wiley-Blackwell; 2014 Dec 18;41(24):8918–25. Available from:

Rouault, M., Verley, P. and Backeberg, B., 2016. Wind changes above warm Agulhas Current eddies. Ocean Science, 12(2), pp.495-506. Available from:

Shutler JD, Quartly GD, Donlon CJ, Sathyendranath S, Platt T, Chapron B, et al. Progress in satellite remote sensing for studying physical processes at the ocean surface and its borders with the atmosphere and sea ice. Progress in Physical Geography [Internet]. SAGE Publications; 2016 Apr 1;40(2):215–46. Available from:

Warren MA, Quartly GD, Shutler JD, Miller PI, Yoshikawa Y. Estimation of ocean surface currents from maximum cross correlation applied to GOCI geostationary satellite remote sensing data over the Tsushima (Korea) Straits. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans [Internet]. Wiley-Blackwell; 2016 Sep;121(9):6993–7009. Available from:

Other publications

Becker, S., J. M. Brockmann, and W.-D. Schuh (2014), Mean dynamic topography estimates purely based on GOCE gravity field models and altimetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 2063–2069, doi:10.1002/2014GL059510.

Bruinsma S.L., Foerste C., Abrikosov O., Marty J.C., Rio M.-H., Mulet S., Bonvalot S. (2013), The new ESA satellite-only gravity field model via the direct approach; Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/grl.50716

Cabanes, C., A. Grouazel, K. von Schuckmann, M. Hamon, V. Turpin, C. Coatanoan, F. Paris, S. Guinehut, C. Boone, N. Ferry, C. de Boyer Montégut, T. Carval, G. Reverdin, S. Pouliquen, and P.-Y. Le Traon (2013): The cora dataset: validation and diagnostics of in-situ ocean temperature and salinity measurements. Ocean Science, 9, 1–18, doi:10.5194/os-9-1-2013.

Ferry N., L. Parent, G. Garric, C. Bricaud, C.-E. Testut, O. Le Galloudec, J.-M. Lellouche, M. Drévillon, E. Greiner, B. Barnier, J.-M. Molines, N. Jourdain, S. Guinehut, C. Cabanes et L. Zawadzki (2012), Reanalysis of the Altimetric Era (1993-2009) at Meso Scale. Mercator Ocean Quarterly Newsletter, 44.

Grodsky, S. A., R. Lumpkin, and J. A. Carton (2011), Spurious trends in global surface drifter currents, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L10606, doi:10.1029/2011GL047393Lagerloef, G.S.E., G. Mitchum, R. Lukas, and P. Niiler, 1999: Tropical Pacific near surface currents estimated from altimeter, wind and drifter data. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 23,313-23,326.

Guinehut, S., Dhomps, A.-L., Larnicol, G., and Le Traon, P.-Y.: High resolution 3-D temperature and salinity fields derived from in situ and satellite observations, Ocean Sci., 8, 845–857, doi:10.5194/os-8-845-2012, 2012.

Haines, K., J.A. Johannessen, P. Knudsen, D. Lea, M.-H. Rio, L. Bertino, F. Davidson, and F. Hernandez (2011): An ocean modelling and assimilation guide to using GOCE geoid products. Ocean Sci., 7, 151-164.

Kanzow, T., Cunningham, S.A., Rayner, D., Hirschi, J.J., Johns, W.E., Baringer, M.O., Bryden, H.L., Beal, L.M., Meinen, C.S., Marotzke, J., 2007. Observed flow compensation associated with the MOC at 26.5°N in the Atlantic. Science 317 (5840),938–941,

Rick Lumpkin; Semyon A. Grodsky; Luca Centurioni; Marie-Helene Rio; James A. Carton; Dongkyu Lee, Removing spurious low-frequency variability in drifter velocities, JTECH-D-12-00139

Maximenko, N., P. Niiler, M-H. Rio, O. Melnichenko, L. Centurioni, D. Chambers, V. Zlotnicki and B. Galperin, (2009), Mean Dynamic Topography of the ocean derived from satellite and drifting buoy data using three different techniques. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. DOI 10.1175/2009JTECHO672.1.

Mulet, S., M.-H. Rio, A. Mignot, S. Guinehut and R. Morrow, 2012: A new estimate of the global 3D geostrophic ocean circulation based on satellite data and in-situ measurements. Deep-Sea Res. II., 77-80, 70-81, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.04.012.

Mulet S., M.-H. Rio et S. Bruinsma (2012), Accuracy of the preliminary GOCE GEOID models from an oceanographic perspective. Marine Geodesy, 35:314–336, 2012 DOI: 10.1080/01490419.2012.718230

Niiler, P. P., R. Davis, and H. White (1987), Water following characteristics of a mixed layer drifter, Deep Sea Res., Part A, 34, 1867–1881, doi:10.1016/0198-0149(87)90060-4.

Raj, R. P., J. A. Johannessen, T. Eldevik, J. E. Ø. Nilsen, and I. Halo (2016), Quantifying mesoscale eddies in the Lofoten Basin, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 4503–4521, doi:10.1002/2016JC011637.

Rio, M.-H. and F. Hernandez (2003), "High-frequency response of wind-driven currents measured by drifting buoys and altimetry over the world ocean." Journal of Geophysical Research 108(C8): 3283-3301.

Rio, M. H., S. Guinehut, and G. Larnicol (2011), New CNES‐CLS09 global mean dynamic topography computed from the combination of GRACE data, altimetry, and in situ measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C07018, doi:10.1029/2010JC006505.

Rio, M-H (2012), Use of altimeter and wind data to detect the anomalous loss of SVP-type drifter's drogue. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology DOI:10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00008.1.

Rossby, C. G., and R. B. Montgomery, The layer of frictional influence in wind and ocean currents, Papers Phys. Oceanog. Meteorol., MIT and Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst., $(3), 101 pp., 1935.

Schaeffer,P.,  Y. Faugère, J. F. Legeais, A. Ollivier, T. Guinle, N. Picot (2012), The CNES_CLS11 Global Mean Sea Surface Computed from 16 Years of Satellite Altimeter Data. Marine Geodesy, Jason-2 special issue.

Simmons, A., Uppala, S., Dee, D., Kobayashi, S., 2007. ERA-Interim: new ECMWF reanalysis products from 1989 onwards. ECMWF Newsl. 110, 25–35.

Yoshinari Hiroshi, Nikolai A. Maximenko, and Peter W. Hacker (2006), YoMaHa'05: Velocity data assessed from trajectories of Argo floats at parking level and at the sea surface, IPRC Technical Note No. 4, February 27, 2006.