The full-mission reprocessing of the ESA ERS Radar Altimetry (RA) Level 2 data has been completed and the new data set is now available.
The extra-tropical storm Quirin was caught blowing ocean waves up to significant heights of 20.1 m on February 14 in the middle of the Atlantic.
The exceptional bloom of karenia mikimotoi tooks place in July 2010 in the Channel.
The now available decade of satellite sea colour data gives us the opportunity to follow the evolution of the chlorophyll concentration on these poorly-cloudy areas.
15-year archive over the two polar areas.
A correlation analysis technique between successive maps is used to determine the movements animating this sea ice, mainly under the effect of the winds.
Jason data quality from comparisons with other altimeters.
A new Ocean Colour product is now available at CERSAT.
Following the downward trend of recent years, the area covered by sea ice in Arctic has reached its lowest value since satellite observations began at end of the 1970’s.
ERS-2 was de-orbitated on 6th July, ending a 15 years long mission of earth observation.
A new method was developed that combine C and X-band brightness temperature measurements over the ocean to retrieve for the first time salinity is from satellite microwave radiometer measurements
The new turbulent fluxes are estimated using Fairall et al (2003) bulk algorithm. The resulting weekly and monthly 10-m wind speed (W), 10-m specific air humidity (Qa), 10-m air temperature (Ta), wind stress (tau), latent heat flux (LHF), and sensible heat (SHF) flux fields are first validated against weekly and monthly averaged in-situ data.
The month of September of this International Polar Year is marked by a record: Arctic sea ice has hit its lowest value since the beginning of satellite observations exist (almost 30 years).
On 13th November 2002, the tanker Prestige was wrecked off Galice (Spain) after its crew was rescued.
CERSAT provides the scientific community with easy-to-use synoptic gridded fields of wind-related parameters estimated from observations by NASA scatterometer SeaWinds onboard QuikSCAT.